
The Benefits of Adding an RSS Feed to Your Website

If you have never seen, what should be, that familiar little orange square icon that represents an RSS feed, you have probably lived a subterranean life for the last decade and a half. Either that or you pulled a Rip Van Winkle. For those who remain unfamiliar with RSS feeds, or have seen the common RSS icon but still have no clue what it is about, here is a bit of useful information about then.

The roots of RSS news feeds date all the way back to the mid 1990s, and by the late 1990s, news feeds RSS were making it fast and convenient for both online publishers and web users to syndicate and access the latest news. When web users download the software for a free news RSS feed reader, which is also known as an RSS aggregator, they can receive instantly all updates from any of the feeds to which they subscribe. It does not take a brain surgeon, rocket scientist, or can collector to understand the benefits of obtaining all of your news and information updates from a single central locatio